Dear colleagues of the Iberian Society of Biomechanics and Biomaterials (SIBB) and people in this field of knowledge who honor us with your presence and collaboration,
Welcome to the XLVI Edition of the SIBB Congress, which is the annual event that allows us to present and exchange our research and experiences in the three areas of the Society (Sports Biomechanics, Biomedicine and Biomaterials), in the friendly atmosphere that characterizes it.
This year we are celebrating the XLVI SIBB Congress in Ontinyent (University of Valencia), under the presidency of Drs. Pedro Pérez Soriano and Alberto Encarnación Martínez. Very interesting and attractive activities will take place there, such as commercial workshops, the night of young researchers, and the scientific sessions of the congress itself.
In addition, we will have the collaboration of the Ontinyent City Council, the Generalitat Valenciana, the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and the Department of Physical and Sports Education of the University of Valencia, the European Society of Biomaterials (ESB), Caixa Ontinyent, … to put more collaborators here, which will allow us to have a high level of scientific presentations, workshops, and social program.
I would like to thank the Sports Biomechanics Department and especially the Sports Biomechanics Research Group (GIBD) of the University of Valencia for organizing the Congress. I am convinced that their enormous effort and dedication will make this edition a success once again.
I encourage you to actively participate in the Congress, and with the hope that we will see each other next November in Ontinyent, receive a big hug from
Juan García López
President of the SIBB